Modes - Analog and Digital!
Below, we discuss each of the modes we use on our repeaters.
We are active in APRS reflecting with an iGATE and a Digipeater operating in the Craft Rd and Hwy 302 vicinity. APRS also supports global callsign-to-callsign messaging, bulletins, objects email and Voice because every local area is seen by the Internet System (APRS-IS)! APRS should enable local and global amateur radio operator contact at any time. anywhere and using any device. See the APRS Messaging/Contact Initiative. .

OBARC hosts the EchoLink room K5OLV-L. This room is operated by a local member and is always actively connected and can be controlled by any HAM operator. If you connect to another node, please set it back to the K5OLV-L room when finished use.

Wires X
OBARC hosts the Wires X room "The Magnolia Room" on the Olive Branch 147.255 repeater, and The "OBARC Room" on the Lewisburg repeater.
- The Magnolia-Link, "Mississippi's Digital Gathering Place" can be found at Room #64052
- The OBARC Room, "Olive Branch Amateur Radio Club" can be found at Room #68409